Senin, 03 September 2012

Ratu Boko Palace

The history of Ratu Boko is unclear, and much of what is understood about the site comes from inscriptions and even folklore. The oldest inscription found on the site is believed to date back to 792AD, naming the site Abhayagiri Wihara.

archaeologists to believe that the ruler of the Saliendra Dynasty between 760-780, Rakai Panangkaran, built Ratu Boko after he resigned from his leadership. It is said that he resigned because he wanted to find spiritual peace and concentrate on religious matters.Abhayagiri Wihara means ‘peaceful Buddhist monastery’. the site chosen has fairly spectacular views.
the name of the site changed to Walaing Kraton, Kraton being 
palace in the local language, in an inscription known as the Mandyasih 
 inscription.. this change of name was made by Rakai Walaing pu 
Kumbhayoni who is recognised as a king, and ruled from 856-863AD. 
during the 17th Century, a dutch man H.J.DeGraff noted that europeans 
coming to Indonesia had reported a heritage site, and referred to it 
being the palace of Prabu Boko, a king who came originally from Bali. 
this is the Prabu Boko of the Roro Djonggrang folklore. A mix of Buddhist 
and Hindu structures are found on the complex, including the Buddhist 
Dyani Budha, Stupika, Terakota Tablet, and a gold and silver plaque 
with a Buddhist inscription. three small Hindu temples, as well as Yoni, 
a Durga statue, a Ganesha statue and a plaque with an inscription 
to Rudra, the other name for the god Siwa.

EVENT ~(˘▾˘)~

1. Sumunaring Abhyagiri  

Hundreds of performers tell the tale of the adventures of two princely  
brothers, and their interactions with the local Boko community. the innate
Javanese wisdom of the elders shines throughout, and the concept 
understanding one’s natural place in the world is explored.

Developed in conjunction with the State University of Yogyakarta’s 
department of dance, this is a truly modern,and youthful spectacular. 
it maintains the traditional values of Javanese dance, including 
expressing moral principles as a way of education.
Ticket prices are as follows:
Platinum Class Seating     IDR 500.000
Gold Class Seating           IDR 400.000
Silver Class Seating         IDR 300.000
Festival Class Seating      IDR 200.000

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